This Life Unraveled

What is hidden behind it all? What’s the real meaning of life? Where do we come from? There’s so much information out there and it’s a lot to sort through. Join Adriane and her guests, as they have deep discussions about their ideas surrounding intuition, spiritual gifts and knowledge, soul level consciousness, healing modalities, akashic records, astrology, ancient traditions and beliefs, and how it all plays out in today’s world. What happens when we allow our deep rooted beliefs to be questioned?

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Monday Aug 01, 2022

Join podcast hosts, Shawn & Adriane Sims, as they interview Norma Gould, along with her daughter, Debra Braddy. Norma was our guest on Episode 5 - Telling My Truth. Her story is raw and real, tragic yet triumphant; from being sold as a black market baby, suffering years of abuse, living on the streets and feeling rejected, to having a family of her own, celebrating sobriety and learning to love herself. 
Norma & Debra share their DNA story with us and their journey home to Newfoundland, Labrador (Canada).  They detail the complexities of the search, making us realize just how emotional this journey was; from being DNA strangers to having an actual REAL family reunion, from not knowing where she came from to sitting at her Father's final resting place.  Listen as Norma's story comes full circle. 

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022

****Please note. VOLUMES ARE LOWER IN THE BEGINNING FOR OUR PODCAST GUEST AS WE WORKED TOWARDS COMFORT LEVELS USING THE MIC. Volume does improve, so please hang tight! At times, Macon is quiet while he considers his response and at times you hear him mumbling as he externally processes his thoughts prior to replying.**
Adriane interviews her nephew, Macon. Macon is autistic and is almost 16 years old. This podcast was recorded with his parents' permission. Macon helps us understand the way his mind works and while Adriane and Macon converse, he literally blows his aunt away with his knowledge.  They discuss food aversions, neurotypical vs. neurodivergent, stimming, special interests and so much more!  Macon even explains why rules need to make sense and when they don't, what the outcome is. We are excited to share his story during April - Autism Acceptance Month! Please keep in mind, just because you know one autistic person doesn't mean you understand them all. Autism varies just like personalities. Thanks for taking the time to listen! 

Sunday Apr 03, 2022

This week Adriane interviews her friend, Charlotte Johnson.  Funny story but Adriane had only known Charlotte about 8 hours before they spent the night at a hotel together! You gotta listen to know why.  
Charlotte was born and raised in NC. She details her life story for us and how she has battled depression throughout her life, along with her journey transitioning from male to female. Charlotte was born male and helps us understand what it's like to be born in a body that doesn't match how you feel. Adriane and Charlotte discuss differences in sexuality and gender identity, and at the end of it all, they leave you with one task: Just be a decent human. 
LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. This episode contains discussion that includes suicide, alcohol addiction, depression and sexual abuse. If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide or self harm, please call the National Suicide Prevention Line at 1-800-273-8255. 

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022

Adriane tells her story. And if you know Adriane, she says too much.....she verbally spits up all over the place! And then after the podcast is over, she mentally remembers all the other things she should have said....but alas. It is what it is.
Adriane details her life growing up in a broken home and how her religious upbringing affected music, sex, Halloween, politics, etc. Then Adriane glazes over her married life with Shawn and the last 20 years get a lot less attention than the first 20 years do. This is an ADHD podcast. It's Adriane. She has the ADHD. 
This episode shares her story of growing up, her marriage to Shawn, their children and some of what her early memories include. 
There is so much missing.....her loss of her best friend, her life now......SO MUCH MISSING ,but I am sure she will get the opportunity to share more in the future.  Take a listen to how Adriane's life started out. 

Sunday Mar 20, 2022

This week Shawn & Adriane were tickled pink (see what I did there!?) to sit down with Mike Tickle. Mike tells the story of how he grew up in an Air Force family, and how he enlisted in the United States Army at 18. He shares the bumps in the road of his life story with us along with his journey with mental health issues. Listening to Mike knowing Mike, it was a bit shocking to hear his story. How many out there are silently suffering? This episode is a call to get the help you need, also a cry for America to do better. There is no need to suffer in silence. ALSO this guy owns so many LEGOS!!! Wait until you hear him share exactly how many that is!

Sunday Mar 13, 2022

Adriane & Shawn had the audacity to interview their friend, Jim Krug. Jim unravels his life for us, growing up going back and forth between Michigan and Pennsylvania.  He served in the US Army, lived in a van at one point and eventually got a job working as a machinist.  Jim is the guy who never watches TV and has 1 goal a year that he sets out to achieve. Listen as he tells us some of those goals, along with his current involvement with Team Red, White & Blue. This one is a fun one!  We explore why Jim believes the way he does and the fact that this guy is a DUDEIST PRIEST! Check out Jim's Instagram @krug_jim and definitely check out  

Sunday Mar 06, 2022

This week we are joined by Jen Mauney. Be prepared to be shocked, as Jen shares her journey of childhood abuse, Stockholm syndrome, various traumas and being so controlled that she almost lost herself to a narcissistic mother who can manipulate anyone into believing her.  At almost 21, with a courtroom full of people testifying against her, Jen had to fight for her freedom to prove her competence.  Jen shares how one tiny spark led her to eventually thrive.  *Listener discretion is advised due to the nature of discussion surrounding child abuse, sexual abuse, religious trauma and suicide. If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Line at 1-800-273-8255. 

Sunday Feb 27, 2022

Podcast hosts, Shawn and Adriane Sims, had the opportunity to sit down with Soteria Shepperson. Soteria is an activist, a poet and an artist, basically she is an ARTIVIST. She shares her background and encourages us to be comfortable in the uncomfortable. Soteria explains her work in our local communities and reminds us that just because you have opportunities doesn't mean you have access. She teaches us that courage is a muscle and we need to work at strengthening it. And she leaves us contemplating "what is your why?".  
In the comments, please share what's one courageous thing you did this week?

Sunday Feb 20, 2022

This week, podcast hosts Shawn & Adriane Sims interview Norma Gould.  Full disclaimer that Norma's story is heavy.  As Norma unravels her life for us, we are reminded how you never know what's going on behind closed doors.  From being illegally adopted to finding her true heritage, Norma's life is full of tragedy, hope and healing.  Listener discretion is advised. 

Sunday Feb 13, 2022

Join Shawn & Adriane as they interview Tai Caldwell.  Tai shares her life experiences growing up Black in the country town of Bunn, NC. She details her journey for us and we get to hear how Tai went from no self worth to empowering individuals to achieve their hopes, dreams and goals on their own recovery journeys.  And along the way Tai shares some insight on being Black, educating all of us. 
After this episode, we plan to follow up with Tai and possibly others to discuss being Black in America. We desire to create a space where those of us that are different can see what others experience.


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